
Let’s imagine...

Let’s imagine

... your business is a golf course and you need a weather station paired with an amazing website to display real-time metrics like air temperature, wind speed, and precipitation data to your customers…. done!

Web applications

Business Software

Hardware solutions

Internet of Things

Custom UI/UX Design

Consulting and Support


Web applications

In today’s digital world, the face of your business is your website. Having your website designed, administered and maintained by Nunkki can help you to reach a wider audience, increase your efficiency and increase your profitability.


Business Software

Whether you need your custom-built software to track your inventory, to manage payroll, or to monitor an assembly line, Nunkki is here to build if for you. Our custom-built software can help you reduce your operational costs by increasing your productivity and efficiency.


Hardware solutions

Nunkki has the know-how to build electronic solutions from the ground up, including schematic and PCB designs, analogue and digital circuit designs, and embedded electronics.


Internet of Things

Today’s world expects every imaginable product to have connectivity. Maybe your latest product is a coffee machine and you want to give your customers the capabilities to make coffee with the use of an app on a mobile device. Nunkki has the knowledge and software capabilities to have all types of imaginable products connected to the internet.


Custom UI/UX Design

First impression matters. Your business requires an original style guide and a pattern library to project your unique image onto your products and services. We can offer you a complete application design prototype and a predefined set of design rules.


Consulting and Support

Whether you need ideas on how to digitise your business to cut costs, increase profits, streamline your company, or your looking to rely on someone to maintain your software and applications and to assure it’s there when you need them most. Then contact us, Nunkki won’t leave you in the dark!

we are awesome

collaboration at it’s finest

about us

Although we offer a wide range of products, services and solutions, what we are really offering to you is business growth, increased sales, improved visibility and lower operational costs. Being small in size guarantees our customers a unique and individual relationship with us. We at Nunkki use the Agile framework to develop products, services and solutions. We periodically tough base with our customers during development process to ensure that our final product will not only meet but will also surpass customer expectations. After product delivery, our customers can also enjoy personalised support.


we offer global operations

meet us

Martin Risko


+421 915 977 584

Let’s talk business

say hello, maybe something great will happen

contact form


Terms and Conditions
